Billet Lane
Iver, Buckinghamshire
SL0 0LU -
How to get there
Well signposted from the A412. Turn south off the A412 and follow Billet Lane until you get to the car park on your right.
The car park is Pay & Display, currently £2.50 for the day. Season tickets and reduced parking are also available.
There are no specific facilities although much of the park is accessible by wheelchair.
Further Information
Website: https://countryparks.buckscc.gov.uk/langley-park
Telephone: The Centenary Lodge Visitors Centre: (+44) (0)1753 511060
Langley Country Park
Langley Country Park is a peaceful place with areas of open land as well as woodland. Some of the Yew trees in the park are over 800 years old, and there is a more sheltered garden area.
Wedged between Slough and the M40 it is a great place for walking in a rural setting at any time of the year, and good destination for a day out with friends and family when it's warm and sunny.
Whether you like walking through woods, open areas or natural gardens this park will appeal to all.
Some of the paths are defined by the treelines but it is not necessary to follow particular routes, walking is easy in most areas. Depending on the time of year the gardens are a beautiful display of colour.
General Information